修讀課程期間,作品主要探究自然與影像的關係。曾獲選到台灣的年度專業攝影活動Photo ONE 參展,亦有作品在中國最大型攝影展 - 平遙國際攝影展中展出。2023年,被學院選為其中一位在典亞藝博攤位中參展的藝術家;同年在Helena May舉辦的古樹相片展覽中,有外國收藏家買下展出作品。2024, 與另外14位本攝影師獲邀參與香港國際攝影節旗艦展覽《萬象有光:家園想像》。
曾任攝影記者,現為美紙和Jet Magazine的攝影師,繼續用影像紀錄城市中的人和事。
CHAN Oi Yan graduated from RMIT University with a Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), major in photography.
When she was studying the course, her works was mainly about the relationship between the nature and image. She was selected to exhibit her photos in Photo ONE, which was a Taiwan yearly professional photographic campaign. Also, her works were featured in China's largest photography festival - Pingyao International photography show. In 2023, she was chosen to be one of the artists to exhibit works in school's booth in Fine Art Asia ; in the same year, one of her ancient tree photos exhibited in the Helena May, was bought by a foreign collector. In 2024, she and other 14 photographers were invited to join the flagship exhibition of the 2024 Hong Kong International Photo Festival, Mega Family: Imagining Home.
She worked as a photojournalist. Recently she is a photographer of Art & Piece Magazine and Jet Magazine, which continue recording people and the city through the lens.
2024 Hong Kong International Photo Festival, Mega Family: Imagining Home,
Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Center, HK
2023 Fine Art Asia, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, HK
2023 "SANCTUARY” ficus photo exhibition, The Helena May, HK
2023 Cleaning workers photo exhibition, Mount Zero Books, HK
2022 Healing Project, Form Society, HK
2022 Sun in Midnight, Wure Area, HK
2018 Social Transformation - An exhibition celebrating 20 years of partnership between RMIT University and Hong Kong Art School, Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre, HK
2018 Fresh Trend, Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong City Hall, HK
2018 Sometimes Irrelevant, Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre, HK
2018 Group Exhibition, WWF Island House, HK
2017 Photo ONE, Taipei HuaShan Creative Park, Taiwan
2017 “First Smash 4” Art Exhibition, Art Experience Gallery, HK
2017 Amygdala Hijack, The Gallery of Hong Kong Art School, HK
2016 Pingyao International Photography Festival, China
2016 Solo Exhibition, Youth Square, HK