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In 2017, I broke my ankle accidentally. It was in plaster for 2 months and took long time to recover fully. During the period with plaster, I was desperate, felt like losing freedom because I couldn’t go anywhere. Even I could, every step made me very tired walking with two sticks. I was stuck at home or the taxi that took me to school. During the taxi journey, I started paying attention to things I always saw through car windows: trees around the city. I feel the similarities with tree: we are both immobile, we take long time to recover/grow; each tree is unique just like human. Trees lose their leaves and fruit in winter, they will fill themselves again with fresh green leaves in spring. They teach me a lesson and comfort me that we all go through cycles of growth. Although my life was at inactive status and felt distress by this injury, now I am grateful to be healed and have a spiritual growth through the interconnection with trees. Periods of renewal and growth alternate with times of stagnation, just like tree pumping new life into outstretched branches after winter.


By winter, every leaf on a tree has fallen. When spring comes, the fresh green leaves seem to bring with them a happy note. In autumn, the leaves fall again. To me, life is like a tree, full of vitality, variety and beauty. From the dawn of humankind, trees have been our silent companions. They never fail to enlighten and inspire me. They also speak to our minds: try to get close to a tree next time you are in a bad mood, embrace it and tell it all your worries. The tree will keep your secrets, even quietly accompany you and help you through the hard times

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